All Henderson-West & Company workshops and classes will be conducted virtually until further notice.
Please contact us if you'd like to request an in-person workshop.

Be sure to ask about non-profit discounts on our workshops and seasonal cohorts offerings!

Dates: September through December
We invite both new and established small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and nonprofits to apply to join our brand development series for brands starting fresh from the beginning.
We'll meet biweekly for two-hour sessions over the course of 4 months as a group on a virtual platform as we work through the Welcome To YOUR Brand: Story Map + Workbook. You'll have the chance to network, collaborate with other brands, and be given materials and resources to review independently.
Registration will open in July 2024.
Download our Brand Story Map guide as a starting point for breaking down your brand into manageable chunks for exploration and refinement. Go at your own pace and feel secure about your brand's next steps.
This provides great pre-work and context for any HW & Company consultation, workshop, or cohort program.

Dates: February through May
We invite small businesses, non-profits, or anyone and their teams who are looking to refresh and revamp their branding foundations.
We'll meet once a month for three-hour sessions over the course of 4 months as a group on a virtual platform as we work through the Welcome To YOUR Brand: Story Map + Workbook. You'll have the chance to network, collaborate with other brands, and be given materials and resources to review independently.
Registration will open in December 2024.

Dates: June through August
We invite new small businesses, their teams, and those contemplating starting a business to apply to join our brand development series just for brands just like yours.
We'll meet twice a month for three-hour sessions over the course of 3 months as a group on a virtual platform as we work through the Welcome To YOUR Brand: Story Map + Workbook. You'll have the chance to network, collaborate with other brands, and be given materials and resources to review independently.
Registration will open in April 2025.